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What does # EEC stand for?

Environmental Excellence Celebration.

Where is the EEC homepage?


What is the Environmental Excellence Celebration?

KOB recognizes and rewards Oklahomans for environmental efforts. A statewide call goes out in June, and after a rigorous judging process, top finalists are selected by judges outside of the KOB Board and staff. Those finalists are invited to attend a celebration in November where we announce the winners! The celebration attracts over 600 people from all across Oklahoma. The funds raised at this annual event help KOB programs run and grow year after year.

How do I nominate an individual or organization for an award?

Nominations closed on August 5th.

What can I expect if I am a finalist and win in my category?

Make your way quietly from the exit area (see map below) to our photography area (see map below). You will be presented with your award and have your photo taken. Keep Oklahoma Beautiful appreciates your cooperation.

How much is one ticket to #EEC?


Are tickets currently for sale? 

Not yet, we will update our social media and website when the tickets go on sale.

Have a question that is not listed? Contact us at or at 405.286.9141