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Litter Education UnCapped Contest

Keep Oklahoma Beautiful challenges elementary school students to tackle this issue by creating a work of art from plastic bottle caps. Photos of submitted art pieces will be posted on a contest website for a public vote to determine contest finalists. Winner will be chosen from top three finalists by contents of accompanying required essay. Teachers are encouraged to take this opportunity to implement this art project into their science curriculum, teaching students why recycling is important and how they may reuse items. In addition to artwork, students are required to submit a 150 - 300 word essay describing what they learned during the project where students will explain why it is important to recycle, and the harmful effects of littering. See below for a list of FAQs.


2024 UnCapped Timeline
August 16: Registration Opens
September 20: Registration Closes
October 7: Submission Deadline
Mid/Late October: Online Voting
Early November: Finalist Announced
November 17: Winner Announced

2023 UnCapped Contest Winners

PreK-4th Grade Division

A Beautiful Summer Day by Ms. Kimmel's 3rd & 4th grade LEAP students from Northwood Elementary in Piedmont, OK features a picturesque scene made entirely from reused bottle caps!

5th & 6th Grade Division

Mrs. McKenzy Heath's 5th graders at Canton Public Schools chose to recreate the state animal of Oklahoma, the bison, using recycled bottle caps collected from around their community in their project titled Roaming The Prairie!

To see a list of Frequently Asked Questions for all Litter Education contests please click here.

If you have any further questions regarding the UnCapped contest, please call (405) 286-9141 or email